19 . Nov . 2019

Why Freelancers Use Coworking Spaces!


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With the rise in the demand for freelancers, there has been a sudden rise in the need for coworking spaces. It is estimated that over half of post-graduates in the US currently account for 51 percent of the freelance workforce, which is further expected to grow as more people prefer the project-to-project lifestyle. Now that workers have moved away from their traditional office positions, they’re looking for new places to work—be it their home workstations or a rented office environment.

Many freelancers opted to use coworking spaces, which come with a wide range of perks. One of the most appealing to many people is the idea of getting a real office space but spending a fraction of the cost of a traditional office.

Freelancers are present in almost every coworking space, in fact, coworking offices were commonly known as ‘freelancer workspaces’ for a long time. Freelancers benefit hugely in a coworking space and here are the reasons why:

Coworking Fuels Productivity

Coworking fuels freelancer productivity. Why? Because space is a relief from the boredom, distraction or loneliness of their homes. Many find that physically separating work from home motivates them. Being surrounded by networking opportunities or even social opportunity encourages focus and helps professionals avoid creative blocks or kick-start completely new creative projects.

Having a dedicated space for your work can greatly increase productivity for many people, and it’s often hard to accomplish at home, especially if you have a family. Freelancers gain productivity from a coworking space, without having to deal with any office politics or competition found in a traditional office.

It’s Cost-Effective

In theory, working from home is cheaper than becoming a coworking member. Coworking spaces, however, are the cheapest option to get a dedicated office space, especially if you don’t have an extra room at home. Many people can make do at home, in fact, some who live alone enjoy the absolute silence and solitude for their working environment, while others feel lonely.

Coworking spaces provide a perfect balance- quit and solitude when you need it, and socializing when you want it. Completely leasing a space is often way out of the budget range for most freelancers, but coworking spaces are affordable for almost anyone.

Of course, part of cost-effectiveness is dependent on the success of your business. With more networking opportunities as well as a boost in productivity, you achieve better work and more revenue.

The other factor external to cost is general well-being. Even if you do achieve slightly better savings by working from home, it’s important you enjoy your work. Many introverts decide to work in coworking spaces simply to have the option to socialize, it’s not always about money, sometimes it’s about joy and health.

A Sense of Community

Coworking members become part of a community! This is perhaps the biggest benefit of coworking. Where else is one able to work amongst such a diverse range of individuals, often also working as freelancers.

Coworking spaces are known for accommodating freelancers, but modern coworking has many more unique parties such as creatives, corporate warriors, politicians, lawyers, artists, and even yoga masters.

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Community combats loneliness! According to the latest research by Total jobs, 60% of employees feel lonely at work. Working from home allows freelancers to be free from unnecessary office politics, but not free from isolation. In coworking spaces, people have an option to choose when and how to interact with each other. Many spaces host events on a weekly or even daily basis that encourage socializing of some sort.

Coworking is Networking

With abundant opportunities for networking in a co-working space, freelancers can easily promote their services to other freelancers or companies. One can even have a small workshop where fellow members are invited to work on projects that require a collective approach or discuss new ideas that have evolved from sharing a similar wavelength. Freelancers can find solutions from the expertise of other members as well as be the solution when others are in need.

Coworking Provides Professionalism

Coworking spaces can help to provide freelancers with a level of professionalism that isn’t available when working from home. The recurring problem for many freelancers was that hosting meetings in their home becomes too personal and hosting meetings at a cafe is impractical.  Having meeting rooms, professional buildings, and formal meeting spaces gives your service classy veneer that solidifies credibility. This environment gives freelancers an opportunity to get deeper into business operations and follow the necessary steps to grow.

Coworking Helps Achieve a Work-Life Balance

Coworking provides a healthy work-life balance that is centered around dedicated spaces for different needs. Thanks to the productive yet social nature of coworking spaces, members can inspire each other while also keeping themselves sane.

With coworking, the way you spend your time is kept flexible. Many people freelance to escape the normal 9-5 routine—even if their freelancing hours are similar. With coworking, you have access to a traditional office space at any time of the day, no matter how early or later your preferred hours are.

As a freelancer, flexibility, spontaneity and sporadic bursts of activity come and go. But it is the same flexibility that serves you best when balanced with self-imposed discipline. After all, that’s what coworking spaces are made for: the liberty to do your projects while still finding time to meditate or have fun.

Final Thoughts

Coworking spaces represent access to the greater community, something that freelancers were devoid of in the past. Within a like-minded community, they gain more networking opportunities, professionalism, and better work/life balance. Not to mention, a cost-effective approach to their services! We at Zioks believe that coworking is the future because of the balance it brings into our lives. Our affordable coworking space has unique options for any professional.

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